
Safeguarding Team Advice Line 9-5 Mon-Fri 01252 335161

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Safeguarding is everyone’s business, from the clinic room to the board room

Safeguarding is a term used to protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals, which allow people — especially children, young people and adults with care and support needs — to live free from abuse, harm and neglect.



Director of Safeguarding, Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children

Debbie Hartrick

Senior Safeguarding Lead and Designated Professional for Safeguarding Adults, ICB

Tony Heselton

Designated Nurse for Looked After children, ICB

Lynette Jones-Jardine

Domestic Abuse and Exploitation Coordinator, ICB

Sharon Ballantyne

Named Nurse for Adults & Children

Liz Fisher

Designated Doctor Safeguarding Children

Dr Louise Watson

Designated Doctor for Children and Young People in Care

Dr Jenny Chopra

Named GP for Safeguarding in Slough (ICB)

Dr Asif Ali

Named GP for Safeguarding in RBWM (ICB)

Dr Sharon Kefford

Named GP for Safeguardin Bracknell Forest

Dr Alex Cran

Named GP for Safeguarding in NE Hants and Farnham (ICB)

Dr Ayithri Sahadevan

Named GP for Safeguarding in Surrey Heath (ICB)

Safeguarding Annual Report

ICB Safeguarding policy

Where to report safeguarding concerns within our ICB area:

Social Care Emergency Duty Team Number (Berkshire wide, Adults & Children) Out Of Hours - 01344 786543