Primary Care Networks

GP practices are working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas in groups of practices known as primary care networks (PCNs).

PCNs build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for people close to home. Clinicians describe this as a change from reactively providing appointments to proactively caring for the people and communities they serve.

PCNs are led by clinical directors who may be a GP, general practice nurse, clinical pharmacist or other clinical profession working in general practice.

The potential of PCNs has been demonstrated by their leadership in the COVID-19 vaccination programme. All of the local vaccination centres across the Frimley area are PCN-run.

Across NHS Frimley area there are 75 GP practices working in 15 Primary Care Networks.