NHS Frimley Board


The Board of NHS Frimley will seek to build on the success of its predecessors, who demonstrated the value and benefit of having clinicians as a part of the decision-making process on a total budget of more than £1 billion. The Board reflects new legislative requirements to include member with experience of working in local government, NHS provider and primary care sectors. The composition of the Board is set out in the table below.


Dr Priya Singh
Chief Executive
Fiona Edwards


Non-Executive Member and Conflicts of Interest Guardian
Ilona Blue
Non-Executive Member
Paul Farmer
Chief Medical Officer
Dr Lalitha Iyer
Local Authority Partner Member from Surrey County Council
Rachael Wardell
Chief Nursing Officer 
Sarah Bellars
Local Authority Partner Member from Bracknell Forest
Grainne Siggins
Chief People Officer
Caroline Corrigan
Local Authority Partner Member from Rushmoor Borough Council
Karen Edwards
Chief Transformation Officer 
Sam Burrows
NHS Provider Partner Member from Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
Chief Financial Officer
Richard Chapman
NHS Provider Partner Member from Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Graham Wareham
NHS Provider Partner Member from Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Alex Gild
Primary Care Partner Member from Magnolia House Surgery
Dr Prash Patel
Primary Care Partner Member from Claremont & Holyport Surgery
Dr Huw Thomas