How we make decisions

The structures, systems, processes and behaviours we have in place for ensuring good governance include:

  • Our Constitution, Standing Orders,  delegation agreement, Prime Financial Policies and Scheme of Reservation and Delegation;
  • Governance Handbook
  • A statutory Board 
  • Risk register and assurance framework;
  • Internal audit;
  • Scrutiny by external assessors including NHS England.

Our Constitution

The NHS Frimley Constitution sets out the arrangements we have made to meet our responsibilities for commissioning care for our patients and the principles we will operate by with our partners.  It describes the governing principles, rules and procedures that we operate by to ensure probity and accountability in the day-to-day running of NHS Frimley to ensure that decisions are made in an open and transparent way with the interests of our patients and clinicians central to our goals and ambitions.

The Constitution contains our Standing Orders and Prime Financial Polices.